Making Rejuvelac
When cultured properly, Rejuvelac cleanses, rejuvenates and rebuilds at the cellular level. Here are some basic instructions to help you incorporate Rejuvelac into your meals during your cleansing programs, as well as in your daily meals!
More information about Rejuvelac can be found in the chapters of Vicki's book!
Making Rejuvelac
Rejuvelac is the fermented liquid of sprouted wheat in its concentrated form. It is a healthy drink that literally brings rejuvenation to the body. Digestion is greatly improved by drinking one quart of Rejuvelac each day.
You Will Need:
Sprouted Wheat (click here for instructions)
VitaMix or equivalent Blender
1 Gallon Glass Jar
Cheese/Jelly Bag
Essential Oils (optional)
4 Quart Glass Jars
Prep and Blend
1. Take one tray of sprouted wheat and put it in your blender with about a quart of water and secure the lid
2. Blend the wheat on high for 20 seconds. No more no less
3. Poor that homogenized wheat into a 1 gallon glass jar
4. Add enough purified or steam-distilled water to the top of the gallon glass jar
5. Cover with the seed bag or jelly bag so it can still breathe but protect it from any gnats.
6. Let sit on counter at room temperature for 24–48 hours to ferment. The whey at the bottom of the jar will float to the top of the jar with all types of chemical reactions going on during this time.
"Pouring Off"
7. Holding onto the seed bag tight, pour the contents, including the whey at the bottom, through the strainer bag into another gallon container.
8. Very carefully detach the seed bag from the glass jar and twist the seed bag so that you can squeeze out all of the liquid from the seed bag. This is very good probiotic.
9. Throw the whey, that remains in the seed bag, away into the garbage. pro tip: don't forget to clean the jar and the seed bag out after you finish the process so you're ready when it's time to make the next batch!
Bottle + Tips
10. Put 10 drops each of the DoTerra wild orange and lemon oils into the gallon picture of Rejuvelac and stir vigorously to homogenize it.
11. Pour immediately into 4 quart glass jars and screw the lid on, but not too tight.
12. Stores in the fridge for about 2 weeks with essential oil, 1 week without essential oils
* I drink 1 quart per day
*To stay on top of it, I begin soaking another quart of wheat berries the day that I pour off the fresh batch

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